Monday 5 October 2015

Research into Chosen Artist

We have decided to use Insomnia by Ben Hesketh for our music video. This is because we can have direct information about the song from the artist himself. Additionally it will be much easier for him to lip sync the music as he knows the words and the rhythm of the song off by heart. This will allow us to film quickly and he won't need to spend time learning the song and as a result giving us more time to focus on editing since this is a key part of how to make our project look like a professional music video.

Ben Hesketh is a 22 year-old graduate from De Montfort University in Leicester. He graduated with a first class degree in Music Technology and Innovation. He used the skills he learnt to record his own music in his flat in Leicester with one microphone.

By using Ben's song we also have the advantage of not having to send any legal documents to a record label or artist as he has already allowed us to use his song. This means we have the rights to make a video on it and therefore we will not get any copyright infringements when it is uploaded to Blogger or YouTube.

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