Sunday, 13 September 2015

Lip Syncing and Why it is Important

Lip syncing is when an artist who is featured in the music video will month the lyrics of the song without singing it. When the video is editing together with the music over the top it looks like the artist is singing the song in the music video when they are not. This is a very common effect used in  modern day music videos and is used by many professional artist.

This is important as to make a music video look more professional artist need to master this skill. This effect is easy to mess up as if the lip syncing is not in time with the song it may look bad in the video and the audience will easily be able to see that you are not singing the song.

We need to know this skill as we will most likely use it within our music video as it will make ours look more professional. We will also have to notify the people in our video so that they can learn the song and have time to practice lip syncing it before we record them doing so.

Instrument syncing is also important. Instrument syncing means that we must match the beat of the song and the visuals. An example of this would be when a guitar is strummed in the music the visuals must match up. This is important as it makes music videos look of a better quality. Also it may makes it look more like the artist is actually singing it as well as playing it and therefore makes it look more like a professional music video with a high production value. Instrument syncing and lip syncing are important and can make a video look professional if used together and synced correctly during post-production.

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